AUTISM - Under The Radar
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MIND MAP of potential consequences that could occur if Autism is left undiagnosed.
Categories are all inter-related and refer primarily to level 1 Autism.
Many adverse outcomes and difficulties are noted.
Identification of mild Autistic traits is important.

Both ADHD and ASD (Autism) are Neurodevelopmental disorders that impact brain function relating to the sensory and cognition areas of the brain.
They often do commonly occur together.
They have many common traits, making it difficult to distinguish between the two.
Both: a) impact ability to organise memory, focus, attention and decision making. As a group, these
traits are called 'executive function' brain areas.
b) Social interactions are both affected, but for different reasons.
c) Problems with recognising internal signals, ie hunger, thirst, emotions and time perception.
d) Unusual movements, ADHD people fidget whereas in Autistic people it is called 'stimming'
being a more repetitive movement.
e) They share increase risk of some behaviours: addiction, eating disorder, OCD, being bullied,
self-harm and suicidality.
f) Both are susceptable to anxiety and depression.
This area of overlap is quite complex and what I have described is only a small representation of some of the more common areas of overlap. Research is very active in this area, so if this interests you, ask your Neurodivergent Psychologist, or research the many wonderful medical websites written by Psychologists themselves.