I just wanted to start this off by letting you know why I created this website, and why I thought this was a worthwhile idea. I believe people have a lot the share, and through that, while we listen, we get to assess all that information, reflect on it and relate it back to our circumstances. By doing that, we may come to an understanding, or an idea that may help our own situation. That is why I think telling our stories is so important. None of us are experts. But we have lived a life, always learning and growing from our experiences. We come to realizations that could affect our future decisions, both personally and how we treat others. We can gain comfort and support by talking about our situations, even though at times they may be difficult. Just talking..(or writing), can help - so lets' do it ! I just ask everyone be respectful with their comments and opinions. Thank You.
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Amazing initiative and would like to support you on this.